EXCEL ( एक्सल विषयी )

1)एक्सल फॉरम्युला  फाइल 2.4 m.b 
2)  EXCEL VIDEO IN HINDI -  WEBSITE -  या वेबसाइडवर आपणाला हिंदी तसेच इंग्रजी तुन व्हिडीओ पाहायला मिळतील  ..
३)enable macros एक्सल मधील मक्रो इनबल कसे कराल   चित्रमय स्वरुपात - फाइल १

=(Total’s cell address/Total Marks)*100

=if(condition, True Value, False Value)


B2, c2, d2 and e2 are subject’s cell address


G2 is percentage cell address

=IF(I2="E","Unsatisfied",IF(I2="D","Satisfied",IF(I2="C","Good",IF(I2="B","Very Good","Excellent"))))

I2 is Grade cell address
=countif(cell range, criteria)


Kiran font akarik sankalit shreni (Gread A1,a2,b1,b2)

=IF(E7>=91,"A1",IF(E7>=81,"A2",IF(E7>=71,"ba1",IF(E7>=61,"ba2",IF(E7>=51,"k 1",IF(E7>=41,"k 2",IF(E7>=33,"D",IF(E7>=21,"[ 1",IF(E7<=20,"[- 2")))))))))





The below basic shortcut keys are a listing of shortcut keys that will work with almost all IBM compatible computers and software programs. It is highly recommended that all users keep a good reference of the below short cut keys and/or try to memorize the below keys. Doing so will dramatically increase your productivity.
Shortcut Keys
Alt + F
File menu options in current program.
Alt + E
Edit options in current program
Universal Help in 90% of Windows programs.
Ctrl + A
Select all text.
Ctrl + X
Cut selected item.
Shift + Del
Cut selected item.
Ctrl + C
Copy selected item.
Ctrl + Ins
Copy selected item
Ctrl + V
Shift + Ins
Goes to beginning of current line.
Ctrl + Home
Goes to beginning of document.
Goes to end of current line.
Ctrl + End
Goes to end of document.
Shift + Home
Highlights from current position to beginning of line.
Shift + End
Highlights from current position to end of line.
Ctrl + Left arrow
Moves one word to the left at a time.
Ctrl + Right arrow
Moves one word to the right at a time.
Shortcut Keys
Operating System
Alt + Tab
3.X / 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP
Switch between open applications.
Alt + Shift + Tab
3.X / 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP
Switch backwards between open applications.
3.X / 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP
Create a screen shot only for the program you are currently in.
Ctrl + Esc
95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP
Bring Up start button.
Alt + Esc
95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP
Switch Between open applications on taskbar.
3.X / 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP
Renames selected Icon
95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP
Starts find from desktop
95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP
Opens the drive selection when browsing.
95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP
Refresh Contents
Alt + F4
3.X / 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP
Closes Current open program.
Ctrl + F4
3.X / 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP
Closes Window in Program
Ctrl + (the '+' key on the keypad)
98 / NT / 2000 / XP
Automatically adjust the width's of all the columns in Windows explorer
Alt + Enter
95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP
Opens properties window of Selected icon or program.
Shift + F10
95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP
Simulates right click on selected item.
Shift + Del
95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP
Delete programs/files without throwing into the recycle bin.
Holding Shift
3.X / 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP
Boot safe mode or by pass system files.
Holding Shift
95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP
When putting in an audio CD will prevent CD Player from playing.
Below is a listing of Windows keys that can be used on computers running a Microsoft Windows operating system and using a keyboard with a Windows key. In the below list of shortcuts the windows key is represented by "WINKEY". If you are looking for Windows shortcut keys see the above Microsoft Windows shortcut key section.
Shortcut Keys 
Minimizes all windows and returns the user to the desktop.
Minimizes all windows.
Undo the minimize.
Open Microsoft Explorer.
Cycle through open programs through the taskbar.
Display the Windows Search / Find feature.
Display the search for computers window.
Display the Microsoft Windows help.
Open the run window.
WINKEY + Pause / Break key 
Open the system properties window.
Open Utility Manager.
Lock the computer (Windows XP and above only).
Shortcut Keys
Spell check selected text and or document.
Create chart.
Ctrl + Shift + ;
Enter the current time
Ctrl + ;
Enter the current date
Alt + Shift + F1
Insert New Worksheet
Shift + F3
Open the Excel formula window.
Shift + F5
Bring up search box.
Ctrl + A
Select all contents of the worksheet.
Ctrl + B
Bold highlighted selection.
Ctrl + I
Italic highlighted selection.
Ctrl + K
Insert link.
Ctrl + U
Underline highlighted selection.
Ctrl + 5
Strikethrough highlighted selection.
Ctrl + P
Bring up the print dialog box to begin printing.
Ctrl + Z
Undo last action.
Ctrl + F9
Minimize current window.
Ctrl + F10
Maximize currently selected window.
Ctrl + F6
Switch between open workbooks / windows.
Ctrl + Page up
Move between Excel work sheets in the same Excel document.
Ctrl + Page down
Move between Excel work sheets in the same Excel document.
Ctrl + Tab
Move between Two or more open Excel files.
Ctrl + Shift + !
Format number in comma format.
Ctrl + Shift + $
Format number in currency format.
Ctrl + Shift + #
Format number in date format.
Ctrl + Shift + %
Format number in percentage format.
Ctrl + Shift + ^
Format number in scientific format.
Ctrl + Shift + @
Format number in time format.
Ctrl + Arrow key  
Move to next section of text. 
Ctrl + Space
Select entire column.
Shift + Space
Select entire row.
Shortcut Keys
Ctrl + A
Select all contents of the page.
Ctrl + B
Bold highlighted selection.
Ctrl + C
Copy selected text.
Ctrl + X
Cut selected text.
Ctrl + P
Open the print window.
Ctrl + F
Open find box.
Ctrl + I
Italic highlighted selection.
Ctrl + K
Insert link.
Ctrl + U
Underline highlighted selection.
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + Y
Repeat the last action performed.
Ctrl + Z
Undo last action.
Ctrl + L
Aligns the line or selected text to the left of the screen.
Ctrl + E
Aligns the line or selected text to the center of the screen.
Ctrl + R
Aligns the line or selected text to the right of the screen.
Ctrl + M
Indent the paragraph.
Ctrl + Shift + F
Change the font.
Ctrl + Shift + >
Increase selected font +1.
Ctrl + ]
Increase selected font +1.
Ctrl + Shift + <
Decrease selected font -1.
Ctrl + [
Decrease selected font -1.
Ctrl + Shift + *
View or hide non printing characters.
Ctrl + <left arrow>
Moves one word to the left.
Ctrl + <right arrow>
Moves one word to the right.
Ctrl + <up arrow>
Moves to the beginning of the line or paragraph.
Ctrl + <down arrow>
Moves to the end of the paragraph.
Ctrl + Del
Deletes word to right of cursor.
Ctrl + Backspace
Deletes word to left of cursor.
Ctrl + End
Moves the cursor to the end of the document.
Ctrl + Home
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + Spacebar
Reset highlighted text to the default font.
Ctrl + 1
Single-space lines.
Ctrl + 2
Double-space lines.
Ctrl + 5
1.5-line spacing.
Ctrl + Alt + 1
Changes text to heading 1.
Ctrl + Alt + 2
Changes text to heading 2.
Ctrl + Alt + 3
Changes text to heading 3.
Open Help.
Shift + F3
Change the case of the selected text.
Shift + Insert
Repeat the last action performed (2000+)
Open goto window. 
Spell check selected text and or document.
Shift + F7
Activate the thesaurus.
Save as.
Shift + F12

 Mouse Shortcuts
Click, hold, and drag
Selects text from where you click and hold to the point you drag and let go.
If double-click a word selects the complete word.
Double- click
Double-clicking on the left, center, or right of a blank line will make the alignment of the text left, center, or right aligned.
Double-clicking anywhere after text on a line will set a tab stop.
Selects the line or paragraph of the text the mouse triple-clicked.
Ctrl + Mouse wheel
Zooms in and out of document.
Shortcut Keys
Alt + Left Arrow
Back a page.
Alt + Right Arrow
Forward a page.
Refresh current page / frame.
Display the current website in full screen mode. Pressing F11 again will exit this mode.
Stop page or download from loading.
Ctrl + Enter
Quickly complete an address. For example type computerhope in the address bar and press CTRL + ENTER to get http://www.computerhope.com.
Ctrl + N
Open New browser window.
Ctrl + P
Print current page / frame.
Shortcut Keys
Ctrl + C
Copy selected text.
Ctrl + X
Cut selected text.
Ctrl + P
Paste selected text.
Ctrl + K
Create a hyperlink.
Ctrl + B
Bold highlighted selection.
Ctrl + I
Italic highlighted selection.
Ctrl + U
Underline highlighted selection.
Ctrl + L
Left align the text.
Ctrl + R
Right align the text.
Ctrl + E
Center the text.
Ctrl + /
Display HTML tags.
Ctrl + S
Save document.
Ctrl + Tab
Switch between open web pages.
Ctrl + Ins
Enter Line break.
Ctrl + Enter
Move cursor above or below a table.
Ctrl + Shift + B
Preview in web browser window.
Ctrl + Shift + <
Decrease font size.
Ctrl + Shift + >
Increase font size.
Ctrl + Del
Deletes word to right of cursor.
Ctrl + Backspace
Deletes word to left of cursor.

More than 100 Keyboard Shortcuts must read
SHARE IT........
Keyboard Shorcuts (Microsoft Windows)
1. CTRL+C (Copy)
2. CTRL+X (Cut)
3. CTRL+V (Paste)
4. CTRL+Z (Undo)
5. DELETE (Delete)
6. SHIFT+DELETE (Delete the selected item
permanently without placing the item in the Recycle
7. CTRL while dragging an item (Copy the selected
8. CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item (Create a
shortcut to the selected item)
9. F2 key (Rename the selected item)
10. CTRL+RIGHT ARROW (Move the insertion point
to the beginning of the next word)
11. CTRL+LEFT ARROW (Move the insertion point
to the beginning of the previous word)
12. CTRL+DOWN ARROW (Move the insertion point
to the beginning of the next paragraph)
13. CTRL+UP ARROW (Move the insertion point to
the beginning of the previous paragraph)
14. CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys
(Highlight a block of text)
SHIFT with any of the arrow keys (Select more than
one item in a window or on the desktop, or select
text in a document)
15. CTRL+A (Select all)
16. F3 key (Search for a file or a folder)
17. ALT+ENTER (View the properties for the
selected item)
18. ALT+F4 (Close the active item, or quit the
active program)
19. ALT+ENTER (Display the properties of the
selected object)
20. ALT+SPACEBAR (Open the shortcut menu for
the active window)
21. CTRL+F4 (Close the active document in
programs that enable you to have multiple
documents opensimultaneou sly)
22. ALT+TAB (Switch between the open items)
23. ALT+ESC (Cycle through items in the order that
they had been opened)
24. F6 key (Cycle through the screen elements in a
window or on the desktop)
25. F4 key (Display the Address bar list in My
Computer or Windows Explorer)
26. SHIFT+F10 (Display the shortcut menu for the
selected item)
27. ALT+SPACEBAR (Display the System menu for
the active window)
28. CTRL+ESC (Display the Start menu)
29. ALT+Underlined letter in a menu name (Display
the corresponding menu) Underlined letter in a
command name on an open menu (Perform the
corresponding command)
30. F10 key (Activate the menu bar in the active
31. RIGHT ARROW (Open the next menu to the
right, or open a submenu)
32. LEFT ARROW (Open the next menu to the left,
or close a submenu)
33. F5 key (Update the active window)
34. BACKSPACE (View the folder onelevel up in My
Computer or Windows Explorer)
35. ESC (Cancel the current task)
36. SHIFT when you insert a CD-ROMinto the CD-
ROM drive (Prevent the CD-ROM from
automatically playing)
Dialog Box - Keyboard Shortcuts
1. CTRL+TAB (Move forward through the tabs)
2. CTRL+SHIFT+TAB (Move backward through the
3. TAB (Move forward through the options)
4. SHIFT+TAB (Move backward through the
5. ALT+Underlined letter (Perform the corresponding
command or select the corresponding option)
6. ENTER (Perform the command for the active
option or button)
7. SPACEBAR (Select or clear the check box if the
active option is a check box)
8. Arrow keys (Select a button if the active option
is a group of option buttons)
9. F1 key (Display Help)
10. F4 key (Display the items in the active list)
11. BACKSPACE (Open a folder one level up if a
folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog
Microsoft Natural Keyboard Shortcuts
1. Windows Logo (Display or hide the Start menu)
2. Windows Logo+BREAK (Display the System
Properties dialog box)
3. Windows Logo+D (Display the desktop)
4. Windows Logo+M (Minimize all of the windows)
5. Windows Logo+SHIFT+M (Restorethe minimized
6. Windows Logo+E (Open My Computer)
7. Windows Logo+F (Search for a file or a folder)
8. CTRL+Windows Logo+F (Search for computers)
9. Windows Logo+F1 (Display Windows Help)
10. Windows Logo+ L (Lock the keyboard)
11. Windows Logo+R (Open the Run dialog box)
12. Windows Logo+U (Open Utility Manager)
13. Accessibility Keyboard Shortcuts
14. Right SHIFT for eight seconds (Switch
FilterKeys either on or off)
15. Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN (Switch
High Contrast either on or off)
16. Left ALT+left SHIFT+NUM LOCK (Switch the
MouseKeys either on or off)
17. SHIFT five times (Switch the StickyKeys either
on or off)
18. NUM LOCK for five seconds (Switch the
ToggleKeys either on or off)
19. Windows Logo +U (Open Utility Manager)
20. Windows Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts
21. END (Display the bottom of the active window)
22. HOME (Display the top of the active window)
23. NUM LOCK+Asterisk sign (*) (Display all of the
subfolders that are under the selected folder)
24. NUM LOCK+Plus sign (+) (Display the contents
of the selected folder)
MMC COnsole Windows Shortcut keys
1. SHIFT+F10 (Display the Action shortcut menu for
the selected item)
2. F1 key (Open the Help topic, if any, for the
selected item)
3. F5 key (Update the content of all console
4. CTRL+F10 (Maximize the active console
5. CTRL+F5 (Restore the active console window)
6. ALT+ENTER (Display the Properties dialog box, if
any, for theselected item)
7. F2 key (Rename the selected item)
8. CTRL+F4 (Close the active console window.
When a console has only one console window, this
shortcut closes the console)
Remote Desktop Connection Navigation
1. CTRL+ALT+END (Open the Microsoft Windows
NT Security dialog box)
2. ALT+PAGE UP (Switch between programs from
left to right)
3. ALT+PAGE DOWN (Switch between programs
from right to left)
4. ALT+INSERT (Cycle through the programs in
most recently used order)
5. ALT+HOME (Display the Start menu)
6. CTRL+ALT+BREAK (Switch the client computer
between a window and a full screen)
7. ALT+DELETE (Display the Windows menu)
8. CTRL+ALT+Minus sign (-) (Place a snapshot of
the active window in the client on the Terminal
server clipboard and provide the same functionality
as pressing PRINT SCREEN on a local computer.)
9. CTRL+ALT+Plus sign (+) (Place asnapshot of the
entire client window area on the Terminal server
clipboardand provide the same functionality
aspressing ALT+PRINT SCREEN on a local
Microsoft Internet Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts
1. CTRL+B (Open the Organize Favorites dialog
2. CTRL+E (Open the Search bar)
3. CTRL+F (Start the Find utility)
4. CTRL+H (Open the History bar)
5. CTRL+I (Open the Favorites bar)
6. CTRL+L (Open the Open dialog box)
7. CTRL+N (Start another instance of the browser
with the same Web address)
8. CTRL+O (Open the Open dialog box,the same as
9. CTRL+P (Open the Print dialog box)
10. CTRL+R (Update the current Web )

Function keys in Microsoft Excel

F1 Display Help or the Office Assistant What's This? Insert a chart sheet Insert a new worksheet
F2 Edit the active cell Edit a cell comment Save As command Save command
F3 Paste a name into a formula Paste a function into a formula Define a name Create names by using row and column labels
F4 Repeat the last action Repeat the last Find (Find Next) Close the window Exit
F5 Go To  Display the Find dialog box Restore the window size
F6 Move to the next pane Move to the previous pane Move to the next workbook window Move to the previous workbook window
F7 Spelling command Move the window
F8 Extend a selection Add to the selection Resize the window Display the Macro dialog box 
F9 Calculate all sheets in all open workbooks Calculate the active worksheet  Minimize the workbook 
F10 Make the menu bar active Display a shortcut menu (right click) Maximize or restore the workbook window
F11 Create a chart Insert a new worksheet Insert a Microsoft Excel 4.0 macro sheet Display Visual Basic Editor
F12 Save As command Save command Open command Print command

Microsoft Excel Action Excel shortcut
Alternates between displaying cell values and displaying formulas in the worksheet. CTRL+`
Alternates between hiding objects, displaying objects, and displaying placeholders for objects. CTRL+6
Applies or removes bold formatting CTRL+2
Applies or removes bold formatting CTRL+B
Applies or removes italic formatting CTRL+3
Applies or removes italic formatting  CTRL+I
Applies or removes underlining CTRL+4
Applies or removes underlining CTRL+V 
Applies the Currency format with two decimal places CTRL+$
Applies the Date format with the day, month, and year CTRL+#
Applies the Exponential number format with two decimal places CTRL+^
Applies the General number format CTRL+~
Applies the Number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign (-) for negative values CTRL+!
Applies the outline border to the selected cells CTRL+&
Applies the Percentage format with no decimal places CTRL+%
Applies the Time format with the hour and minute, and AM or PM CTRL+@
Calculates all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed since the last calculation CTRL+ALT+F9
Calculates all worksheets in all open workbooks F9
Calculates the active worksheet SHIFT+F9
Closes and reopens the current task pane CTRL+F1
Closes the selected workbook window CTRL+F4
Closes the selected workbook window CTRL+X 
Copies the selected cells CTRL+C
Copies the value from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the Formula Bar" CTRL+"
Creates a chart of the data in the current range ALT+F1
Creates a chart of the data in the current range F11
Cuts the selected cells CTRL+Y
Displays or hides the outline symbols CTRL+8
Displays or hides the Standard toolbar CTRL+7
Displays the Create List dialog box. CTRL+N Creates a new, blank file CTRL+L
Displays the Delete dialog box to delete the selected cells CTRL+-
Displays the Find and Replace dialog box CTRL+H
Displays the Format Cells dialog box CTRL+1
Displays the Go To dialog box CTRL+G
Displays the Go To dialog box F5
Displays the Help task pane F1
Displays the Insert dialog box to insert blank cells CTRL++
Displays the Insert Function dialog box SHIFT+F3
Displays the Macro dialog box to run, edit, or delete a macro ALT+F8
Displays the Microsoft Office Clipboard CTRL+C
Displays the Open dialog box to open or find a file CTRL+O
Displays the Print dialog box CTRL+R 
Displays the Save As dialog box F12
Displays the shortcut menu for a selected item SHIFT+F10
Displays the Spelling dialog box to check spelling in the active worksheet or selected range F7
Edits a cell comment SHIFT+F2
Enters the current date CTRL+;
Enters the current time CTRL+:
Hides the selected columns CTRL+0
Hides the selected rows CTRL+9
Including cells not marked as needing to be calculated CTRL+F9 
Inserts a new worksheet ALT+SHIFT+F1
Inserts a new worksheet SHIFT+F11
Maximizes or restores the selected workbook window CTRL+F10
Minimizes a workbook window to an icon F10
Pastes a defined name into a formula F3
Removes the outline border from the selected cells CTRL+_
Repeats the last command or action, if possible CTRL+Z
Repeats the last command or action, if possible F4
Restores the window size of the selected workbook window CTRL+F5
Saves the active file with its current file name and location CTRL+S
Selects all cells that contain comments CTRL+SHIFT+O
Selects the current region CTRL+A
Selects the entire worksheet CTRL+A CTRL+A (two times)
Undo command CTRL+U
Unhides any hidden columns within the selection CTRL+
Excel shortcut




 Microsoft Word Action Keybord shortcut
Application window-maximize Alt-F10
Application window-previous Alt-Shift-F6
Application window-restore  Alt-F5
AutoFormat Ctrl-Alt-K
AutoText-create  Alt-F3
AutoText-insert entry  Ctrl-Alt-V
AutoText-insert  entry F3
Bold  Ctrl-B
Bookmarks  Ctrl-Shift-F5
Break-column Ctrl-Shift-Enter
Break-page Ctrl-Enter
Browse a document Ctrl-Alt-Home
Browse next/previous item Ctrl-PgDn/PgUp
Capatilize word shift+f3
Case-All Caps Ctrl-Shift-A
Close Ctrl-F4
Close Ctrl-W
Copy  Ctrl + C
Copy formatting Ctrl-Shift-C
Create a nonbreaking hyphen CTRL+HYPHEN
Create a nonbreaking space CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR
Customize a menu Ctrl-Alt =
Customize a shortcut  Ctrl-Alt-Num +
Cut Ctrl-X
Date Field Alt-Shift-D
Decrease font size CTRL+SHIFT+< 
Dialog box next tabbed section  Ctrl-Tab
Dialog box previous tabbed section Ctrl-Shift-Tab
Document window-move Ctrl-F7
Document window-restore Ctrl-F5
Document window-size Ctrl-F8
Drawing-constrain shape to symmetrical  Shift-drag
Drawing-draw from center  Ctrl-drag
Ellipsis Ctrl-Alt- 
Em Dash Ctrl-Alt-Num -
Endnote Ctrl-Alt-E
Exit application Alt-F4
Fields-display code Shift-F9
Fields-display codes (toggle) Alt-F9
Fields-double-click in field Alt-Shift-F9
Fields-insert blank field Ctrl-F9
Fields-lock a field  Ctrl-3
Fields-lock a field Ctrl-F11
Fields-next field F11
Fields-previous field Shift-F11
Fields-unlink a field Ctrl-6
Fields-unlink a field Ctrl-Shift-F9
Fields-unlock a field Ctrl-4
Fields-unlock a field Ctrl-Shift-F11
Fields-update Alt-Shift-U
Fields-update link in source Ctrl-Shift-F7
Fields-update selected field F9
Find  Find Ctrl + F
Font Ctrl-D
Font Ctrl-Shift-F
Font grow/shrink 1 pt Ctrl- ] or [
Font next/previous size Ctrl-Shift- >or <
Font Size Ctrl-Shift-P Font Size Ctrl-Shift-P
Footnote Ctrl-Alt-F
Create a new blank document Ctrl + N 
Go Back  Ctrl-Alt-Z
Go Back  Shift-F5 
GoTo  Ctrl-G
GoTo Next/Previous Paragraph  Ctrl-Up/Down
GoTo Next/Previous Word  Ctrl-Left/Right
Graphic-crop Shift-drag
Graphic-original proportions  Ctrl-click
Hanging indent-decrease  Ctrl-Shift-T
Hanging Indent-increase  Ctrl-T
Hard hyphen -  Ctrl-Shift -
Hard space Hard space
Header/Footer-link to previous Alt-Shift-R
Heading Level 1 Ctrl-Alt-1
Heading Level 2 Ctrl-Alt-2
Heading Level 3 Ctrl-Alt-3
Help F1
 Help-Whats This?  Shift-F1
Hidden text Ctrl-Shift-H
Hyperlink Ctrl-K
CTRL+SHIFT+> Increase font size
Indent-decrease Ctrl-Shift-M
Indent-increase Ctrl-M
Ctrl-Alt-M Insert Comment
Insert ListNum field Ctrl-Alt-L
Italics Ctrl-I
Justify-Center Ctrl-E
Justify-Full Ctrl-J
Justify-Left Ctrl-L
Justify-Right Ctrl-R
Line-spacing Ctrl-1
 Line-spacing 1.5   Ctrl-5 
Line-spacing 2 Ctrl-2
List Bullet Style Ctrl-Shift-L
Macros-edit Alt-F8
Macros-view VBA code Alt-F11
Mark-Index entry Alt-Shift-X
Mark-TOA citation Alt-Shift-I
Mark-TOC entry entry Alt-Shift-O
Maximize window Ctrl-F10
Menu Bar F10
Merge-data edit Alt-Shift-E
Merge-field insert Alt-Shift-F
Merge-preview Alt-Shift-K
Merge-to document Alt-Shift-N
Merge-to printer Alt-Shift-M
Microsoft Script Editor Alt-Shift-F11
Microsoft System Info Ctrl-Alt-F1
Move between master/subdocument  Ctrl-\
Newline within paragraph Shift-Enter
Next window Ctrl-F6
Nonprinting characters Ctrl-Shift-8
Normal Style Ctrl-Shift-N Ctrl-Shift-N
Open a document Ctrl-O
Open Ctrl + O Opens a saved document
Outlining-collapse Alt-Shift-Num -
Outlining-expand  Alt-Shift =
Outlining-expand Alt-Shift-Num +
Outlining-move Alt-Shift-Up/Down
Outlining-promote/demote Alt-Shift-Left/Right
Outlining-Show 1st line Alt-Shift-L
Outlining-Show All Headings Alt-Shift-A 
Outlining-Show Heading 1 Alt-Shift-1
Outlining-Show Heading 2 Alt-Shift-2
Outlining-Show Heading 3 Alt-Shift-3
Outlining-Show Heading 4  Alt-Shift-4
Outlining-Show Heading 5  Alt-Shift-5
Outlining-Show Heading 6 Alt-Shift-6
Outlining-Show Heading 7 Alt-Shift-7
Outlining-Show Heading 8 Alt-Shift-8
Outlining-Show Heading 9 Alt-Shift-9
Page number field Alt-Shift-P
Pane-Close Alt-Shift-C
Paragraph Space Above (add/delete 12 pt.)Ctrl-0 Ctrl-0 (zero) 
Paste Ctrl-V
Print Ctrl-P
Print Preview Ctrl-Alt-I
Redo the last action CTRL+Y
Remove Character formats Ctrl-Shift-Z
Remove menu item Ctrl-Alt -
Remove Paragraph formats Ctrl-Q
Remove paragraph or character formatting CTRL+SPACEBAR
Repeat the last command Ctrl-Y
Repeat Find Ctrl-Alt-Y
Repeat Find Shift-F4  Repeat Find Shift-F4 
Replace Ctrl-H
Revision Marks on/off  Ctrl-Shift-E
Save As F12 
Save Ctrl-S
Select All Ctrl-A
Selection extended F8
Selection reduced Shift-F8
Shortcut Menu Shift-F10
Small Caps Ctrl-Shift-K
Soft hyphen -  Ctrl -
Spelling and Grammar check F7
Spell-It-display next misspelling Alt-F7
Spike-cut to  Ctrl-F3
Spike-paste Ctrl-Shift-F3
Split a window Ctrl-Alt-S
Style box Ctrl-Shift-S
Subscript Ctrl =
Symbol Font  Ctrl-Shift-Q
Table-remove border lines  Ctrl-Alt-U
Table-to column bottom Alt-PgDn
Table-to column top Alt-PgUp
Table-to row beginning Alt-Home
Table-to row end Alt-End
Thesaurus Shift-F7
Time Field Alt-Shift-T
To bottom/top of screen  Ctrl-Alt-PgDn/PgUp
Type (c) Ctrl-Alt-C
Type (r) Ctrl-Alt-R
Type (tm) Ctrl-Alt-T
underline CTRL+U
Underline-double Ctrl-Shift-D
Underline-word Ctrl-Shift-W
Undo Ctrl-Z
View-Normal  Ctrl-Alt-N
View-Outline Ctrl-Alt-O
View-Page  Ctrl-Alt-P
Window pane-next F6
Window pane-previous Shift-F6


Action PowerPoint shortcut
Bold Ctrl-B
Close Ctrl-W
Close Ctrl-F4
Copy Ctrl-C
Find Ctrl-F
Italics Ctrl-I
Menu bar F10
New slide Ctrl-N
Next window Ctrl-F6
Open Ctrl-O
Paste Ctrl-V
Print Ctrl-P
Repeat Find Shift-F4
Repeat/Redo Ctrl-Y
Replace Ctrl-H
Save Ctrl-S
Slide Show: Begin F5
Slide Show: Black screen show/hide B
Slide Show: End Esc
Slide Show: Erase annotations E
Slide Show: Go to next hidden slide H
Slide Show: Hide pointer and button always Ctrl-L
Slide Show: Hide pointer and button temporarily Ctrl-H
Slide Show: Mouse pointer to arrow Ctrl-A
Slide Show: Mouse pointer to pen Ctrl-P
Slide Show: Next slide N
Slide Show: Previous slide P
Slide Show: Set new timings while rehearsing T
Slide Show: Stop/restart automatic slide show S
Slide Show: Use mouse-click to advance (rehearsing) M
Slide Show: Use original timings O
Slide Show: White screen show/hide W
Spelling and Grammar check F7
Switch to the next presentation window Ctrl-F6
Switch to the next tab in a dialog box Ctrl-Tab / Ctrl-Page Down
Switch to the previous presentation window Ctrl-Shift-F6
Switch to the previous tab in a dialog box Ctrl-Shift-Tab / Ctrl-Page Up
Turn character formatting on or of Num /
Underline Ctrl-U
Undo Ctrl-Z

Enter data by using shortcut keys
To Press
Complete a cell entry ENTER
Cancel a cell entry ESC
Repeat the last action F4 or CTRL+Y
Start a new line in the same cell ALT+ENTER
Delete the character to the left of the insertion point, or delete the selection BACKSPACE
Delete the character to the right of the insertion point, or delete the selection DELETE
Delete text to the end of the line CTRL+DELETE
Move one character up, down, left, or right Arrow keys
Move to the beginning of the line HOME
Edit a cell comment SHIFT+F2
Create names from row and column labels CTRL+SHIFT+F3
Fill down CTRL+D
Fill to the right CTRL+R
Fill the selected cell range with the current entry CTRL+ENTER
Complete a cell entry and move down in the selection ENTER
Complete a cell entry and move up in the selection SHIFT+ENTER
Complete a cell entry and move to the right in the selection TAB
Complete a cell entry and move to the left in the selection SHIFT+TAB

Work in cells or the formula bar by using shortcut keys
To Press
Start a formula = (EQUAL SIGN)
Cancel an entry in the cell or formula bar ESC
Edit the active cell F2
Edit the active cell and then clear it, or delete the preceding character in the active cell as you edit the cell contents BACKSPACE
Paste a name into a formula F3
Define a name CTRL+F3
Calculate all sheets in all open workbooks F9 
Calculate the active worksheet SHIFT+F9
Insert the AutoSum formula ALT+= (EQUAL SIGN)
Enter the date CTRL+; (SEMICOLON)
Enter the time CTRL+SHIFT+: (COLON)
Insert a hyperlink CTRL+K
Complete a cell entry ENTER
Copy the value from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the formula bar CTRL+SHIFT+" (QUOTATION MARK)
Alternate between displaying cell values and displaying cell formulas CTRL+` (SINGLE LEFT QUOTATION MARK)
Copy a formula from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the formula bar CTRL+' (APOSTROPHE)
Enter a formula as an array formula CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
Display the Formula Palette after you type a valid function name in a formula CTRL+A
Insert the argument names and parentheses for a function, after you type a valid function name in a formula CTRL+SHIFT+A
Display the AutoComplete list ALT+DOWN ARROW



Format data by using shortcut keys
To Press
Display the Style command (Format menu) ALT+' (APOSTROPHE)
Display the Cells command (Format menu) CTRL+1
Apply the General number format CTRL+SHIFT+~
Apply the Currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers appear in parentheses) CTRL+SHIFT+$
Apply the Percentage format with no decimal places  CTRL+SHIFT+%
Apply the Exponential number format with two decimal places CTRL+SHIFT+^
Apply the Date format with the day, month, and year CTRL+SHIFT+#
Apply the Time format with the hour and minute, and indicate A.M. or P.M. CTRL+SHIFT+@
Apply the Number format with two decimal places, 1000 separator, and – for negative values CTRL+SHIFT+!
Apply the outline border CTRL+SHIFT+&
Remove all borders CTRL+SHIFT+_
Apply or remove bold formatting CTRL+B
Apply or remove italic formatting CTRL+I
Apply or remove an underline CTRL+U
Apply or remove strikethrough formatting CTRL+5
Hide rows CTRL+9
Unhide rows CTRL+SHIFT+(
Hide columns CTRL+0 (ZERO)
Unhide columns CTRL+SHIFT+) 

Edit data by using shortcut keys
To Press

Edit the active cell F2
Cancel an entry in the cell or formula bar ESC
Edit the active cell and then clear it, or delete the preceding character in the active cell as you edit the cell contents BACKSPACE
Paste a name into a formula F3
Complete a cell entry ENTER
Enter a formula as an array formula CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
Display the Formula Palette after you type a valid function name in a formula CTRL+A
Insert the argument names and parentheses for a function, after you type a valid function name in a formula CTRL+SHIFT+A

Insert, delete, and copy a selection by using shortcut keys
To Press
Copy the selection CTRL+C
Paste the selection CTRL+V
Cut the selection CTRL+X
Clear the contents of the selection DELETE
Insert blank cells CTRL+SHIFT+PLUS SIGN
Delete the selection CTRL+ –
Undo the last action CTRL+Z

Move within a selection by using shortcut keys
To Press
Move from top to bottom within the selection (down), or in the direction that is selected on the Edit tab (Tools menu, Options command) ENTER 
Move from bottom to top within the selection (up), or opposite to the direction that is selected on the Edit tab (Tools menu, Options command) SHIFT+ENTER 
Move from left to right within the selection, or move down one cell if only one column is selected TAB
Move from right to left within the selection, or move up one cell if only one column is selected SHIFT+TAB
Move clockwise to the next corner of the selection CTRL+PERIOD
Move to the right between nonadjacent selections CTRL+ALT+RIGHT ARROW
Move to the left between nonadjacent selections CTRL+ALT+LEFT ARROW


Select data, cells, chart items, or objects by using shortcut keys

Select cells, columns, rows, or objects in worksheets and workbooks by using shortcut keys
To Press
Select the current region around the active cell (the current region is an area enclosed by blank rows and blank columns) CTRL+SHIFT+* (ASTERISK)
Extend the selection by one cell SHIFT+ arrow key
Extend the selection to the last nonblank cell in the same column or row as the active cell CTRL+SHIFT+ arrow key
Extend the selection to the beginning of the row SHIFT+HOME
Extend the selection to the beginning of the worksheet CTRL+SHIFT+HOME
Extend the selection to the last cell used on the worksheet (lower-right corner) CTRL+SHIFT+END
Select the entire column CTRL+SPACEBAR
Select the entire row SHIFT+SPACEBAR
Select the entire worksheet CTRL+A
If multiple cells are selected, select only the active cell SHIFT+BACKSPACE
Extend the selection down one screen SHIFT+PAGE DOWN
Extend the selection up one screen SHIFT+PAGE UP
With an object selected, select all objects on a sheet CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR
Alternate between hiding objects, displaying objects, and displaying placeholders for objects CTRL+6
Show or hide the Standard toolbar CTRL+7
In End mode, to Press
Turn End mode on or off END
Extend the selection to the last nonblank cell in the same column or row as the active cell END, SHIFT+ arrow key
Extend the selection to the last cell used on the worksheet (lower-right corner) END, SHIFT+HOME
Extend the selection to the last cell in the current row; this keystroke is unavailable if you selected the Transition navigation keys check box on the Transition tab (Tools menu, Options command) END, SHIFT+ENTER
With SCROLL LOCK on, to Press
Scroll the screen up or down one row UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW
Scroll the screen left or right one column LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW
Extend the selection to the cell in the upper-left corner of the window SHIFT+HOME
Extend the selection to the cell in the lower-right corner of the window SHIFT+END
Tip   When you use the scrolling keys (such as PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN) with SCROLL LOCK turned off, your selection moves the distance you scroll. If you want to keep the same selection as you scroll, turn on SCROLL LOCK first.

Select cells with special characteristics by using shortcut keys
To Press
Select the current region around the active cell (the current region is an area enclosed by blank rows and blank columns) CTRL+SHIFT+* (ASTERISK)
Select the current array, which is the array that the active cell belongs to CTRL+/
Select all cells with comments CTRL+SHIFT+O (the letter O)
Select cells whose contents are different from the comparison cell in each row (for each row, the comparison cell is in the same column as the active cell) CTRL+\
Select cells whose contents are different from the comparison cell in each column (for each column, the comparison cell is in the same row as the active cell) CTRL+SHIFT+|
Select only cells that are directly referred to by formulas in the selection CTRL+[
Select all cells that are directly or indirectly referred to by formulas in the selection CTRL+SHIFT+{
Select only cells with formulas that refer directly to the active cell CTRL+]
Select all cells with formulas that refer directly or indirectly to the active cell CTRL+SHIFT+}
Select only visible cells in the current selection ALT+SEMICOLON

Select chart items by using shortcut keys
To Press
Select the previous group of items DOWN ARROW
Select the next group of items UP ARROW
Select the next item within the group RIGHT ARROW
Select the previous item within the group LEFT ARROW




Move and scroll on a worksheet or workbook by using shortcut keys

To Press
Move one cell in a given direction Arrow key
Move to the edge of the current data region CTRL+ arrow key
Move between unlocked cells on a protected worksheet TAB
Move to the beginning of the row HOME
Move to the beginning of the worksheet CTRL+HOME
Move to the last cell on the worksheet, which is the cell at the intersection of the right-most used column and the bottom-most used row (in the lower-right corner); cell opposite the Home cell, which is typically A1 CTRL+END
Move down one screen  PAGE DOWN
Move up one screen  PAGE UP
Move one screen to the right ALT+PAGE DOWN
Move one screen to the left ALT+PAGE UP
Move to the next sheet in the workbook CTRL+PAGE DOWN
Move to the previous sheet in the workbook CTRL+PAGE UP
Move to the next workbook or window CTRL+F6 or CTRL+TAB
Move to the previous workbook or window CTRL+SHIFT+F6 or CTRL+SHIFT+TAB
Move to the next pane F6
Move to the previous pane SHIFT+F6
Scroll to display the active cell CTRL+BACKSPACE

In End mode, to Press
Turn End mode on or off END
Move by one block of data within a row or column END, arrow key
Move to the last cell on the worksheet, which is the cell at the intersection of the right-most used column and the bottom-most used row (in the lower-right corner); cell opposite the Home cell, which is typically A1 END, HOME
Move to the last cell to the right in the current row that is not blank; unavailable if you have selected the Transition navigation keys check box on the Transition tab (Tools menu, Options command) END, ENTER

With SCROLL LOCK turned on, to Press
Move to the cell in the upper-left corner of the window HOME
Move to the cell in the lower-right corner of the window END
Scroll one row up or down UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW
Scroll one column left or right LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW
Tip   When you use the scrolling keys (such as PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN) with SCROLL LOCK turned off, your selection moves the distance you scroll. If you want to preserve your selection while you scroll through the worksheet, turn on SCROLL LOCK first.




Work with databases, lists, and PivotTables by using shortcut keys

Work in a data form by using shortcut keys
To Press
Select a field or a command button ALT+ key, where key is the underlined letter in the field or command name
Move to the same field in the next record DOWN ARROW
Move to the same field in the previous record UP ARROW
Move to the next field you can edit in the record TAB
Move to the previous field you can edit in the record SHIFT+TAB 
Move to the first field in the next record ENTER
Move to the first field in the previous record SHIFT+ENTER
Move to the same field 10 records forward PAGE DOWN
Move to the same field 10 records back PAGE UP
Move to the new record CTRL+PAGE DOWN
Move to the first record CTRL+PAGE UP
Move to the beginning or end of a field HOME or END
Move one character left or right within a field LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW
Extend a selection to the beginning of a field SHIFT+HOME
Extend a selection to the end of a field SHIFT+END
Select the character to the left SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
Select the character to the right SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW

Work with the AutoFilter feature by using shortcut keys
To Press
Display the AutoFilter list for the current column Select the cell that contains the column label, and then press ALT+DOWN ARROW
Close the AutoFilter list for the current column ALT+UP ARROW
Select the next item in the AutoFilter list DOWN ARROW
Select the previous item in the AutoFilter list UP ARROW
Select the first item (All) in the AutoFilter list HOME
Select the last item in the AutoFilter list END
Filter the list by using the selected item in the AutoFilter list ENTER

Work with the PivotTable Wizard by using shortcut keys
In Step 3 of the PivotTable Wizard, to Press
Select the next or previous field button in the list UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW
Select the field button to the right or left in a multicolumn field button list LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW
Move the selected field into the Page area ALT+P
Move the selected field into the Row area ALT+R
Move the selected field into the Column area ALT+C
Move the selected field into the Data area ALT+D
Display the PivotTable Field dialog box ALT+L

Work with page fields in a PivotTable by using shortcut keys
To Press
Select the previous item in the list UP ARROW
Select the next item in the list DOWN ARROW
Select the first visible item in the list HOME
Select the last visible item in the list END
Display the selected item ENTER

Group and ungroup PivotTable items by using shortcut keys
To Press
Group selected PivotTable items ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
Ungroup selected PivotTable items ALT+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW

Keys for windows and dialog boxes
In a window, to Press
Switch to the next program ALT+TAB
Switch to the previous program ALT+SHIFT+TAB
Show the Windows Start menu CTRL+ESC
Close the active workbook window CTRL+W
Restore the active workbook window  CTRL+F5
Switch to the next workbook window CTRL+F6
Switch to the previous workbook window  CTRL+SHIFT+F6
Carry out the Move command (workbook icon menu, menu bar) CTRL+F7 
Carry out the Size command (workbook icon menu, menu bar) CTRL+F8
Minimize the workbook window to an icon CTRL+F9
Maximize or restore the workbook window CTRL+F10
Select a folder in the Open or Save As dialog box (File menu) ALT+0 to select the folder list; arrow keys to select a folder
Choose a toolbar button in the Open or Save As dialog box (File menu) ALT+ number (1 is the leftmost button, 2 is the next, and so on)
Update the files visible in the Open or Save As dialog box (File menu) F5

In a dialog box, to Press
Switch to the next tab in a dialog box CTRL+TAB or CTRL+PAGE DOWN
Switch to the previous tab in a dialog box CTRL+SHIFT+TAB or CTRL+PAGE UP
Move to the next option or option group TAB
Move to the previous option or option group SHIFT+TAB
Move between options in the active drop-down list box or between some options in a group of options  Arrow keys
Perform the action assigned to the active button (the button with the dotted outline), or select or clear the active check box SPACEBAR
Move to an option in a drop-down list box Letter key for the first letter in the option name you want (when a drop-down list box is selected)
Select an option, or select or clear a check box ALT+ letter, where letter is the key for the underlined letter in the option name
Open the selected drop-down list box ALT+DOWN ARROW
Close the selected drop-down list box ESC
Perform the action assigned to the default command button in the dialog box (the button with the bold outline ¾ often the OK button) ENTER
Cancel the command and close the dialog box ESC

In a text box, to Press
Move to the beginning of the entry HOME
Move to the end of the entry END
Move one character to the left or right LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW
Move one word to the left or right CTRL+LEFT ARROW or CTRL+RIGHT ARROW
Select from the insertion point to the beginning of the entry SHIFT+HOME
Select from the insertion point to the end of the entry SHIFT+END
Select or unselect one character to the left SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
Select or unselect one character to the right  SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
Select or unselect one word to the left CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
Select or unselect one word to the right CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW

































Print and preview a document by using shortcut keys
To Press
Display the Print command (File menu) CTRL+P

Work in print preview
To Press
Move around the page when zoomed in Arrow keys
Move by one page when zoomed out PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN
Move to the first page when zoomed out CTRL+UP ARROW or CTRL+LEFT ARROW
Move to the last page when zoomed out CTRL+DOWN ARROW or CTRL+RIGHT ARROW

Outline data by using shortcut keys
To Press
Ungroup rows or columns ALT+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
Group rows or columns ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
Display or hide outline symbols CTRL+8
Hide selected rows CTRL+9
Unhide selected rows CTRL+SHIFT+(
Hide selected columns CTRL+0 (ZERO)
Unhide selected columns CTRL+SHIFT+)

Keys for menus
To Press
Show a shortcut menu SHIFT+F10
Make the menu bar active F10 or ALT
Show the program icon menu (on the program title bar) ALT+SPACEBAR
Select the next or previous command on the menu or submenu  DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW (with the menu or submenu displayed)
Select the menu to the left or right, or, with a submenu visible, switch between the main menu and the submenu LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW
Select the first or last command on the menu or submenu HOME or END
Close the visible menu and submenu at the same time ALT
Close the visible menu, or, with a submenu visible, close the submenu only ESC
Tip   You can select any menu command on the menu bar or on a visible toolbar with the keyboard. Press ALT to select the menu bar. (To then select a toolbar, press CTRL+TAB; repeat until the toolbar you want is selected.) Press the letter that is underlined in the menu name that contains the command you want. In the menu that appears, press the letter underlined in the command name that you want.

Keys for toolbars
On a toolbar, to Press
Make the menu bar active F10 or ALT
Select the next or previous toolbar CTRL+TAB or CTRL+SHIFT+TAB
Select the next or previous button or menu on the toolbar TAB or SHIFT+TAB (when a toolbar is active)
Open the selected menu ENTER
Perform the action assigned to the selected button ENTER
Enter text in the selected text box ENTER
Select an option from a drop-down list box or from a drop-down menu on a button Arrow keys to move through options in the list or menu; ENTER to select the option you want (when a drop-down list box is selected)

Keys for using the Office Assistant
To Press
Make the Office Assistant the active balloon ALT+F6; repeat until the balloon is active
Select a Help topic from the topics displayed by the Office Assistant ALT+topic number (where 1 is the first topic, 2 is the second, and so on)
See more help topics ALT+DOWN ARROW
See previous help topics ALT+UP ARROW
Close an Office Assistant message ESC
Get Help from the Office Assistant F1
Display the next tip ALT+N
Display the previous tip ALT+B
Close tips ESC
Show or hide the Office Assistant in a wizard TAB to select the Office Assistant button; SPACEBAR to show or hide the Assistant





CTRL+A CTRL+A (two times)